Soldiers Off The Street
Soldiers Off The Street Registered England/Wales Charity No. 1137594.
Soldiers Off The Street Registered Scotland Charity No. SC042204.
Les Ex 2 Para!
My name is Les Standish I served in the parachute regiment from 1976 to 1986 I did two tours in Ireland and fought in the Falkland’s war where I was awarded the military medal during the battle of goose green when I left the army I joined the prison service as a PTI, I was involved in the Strangeways prison riots it was after this my problems started my marriage broke down and I Iended up homeless I was diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and found myself in trouble with the law.
I was kept in solitary confinement for 7 months I was then sentenced to 3 years in prison I had no help from the government and I had to rely on charities to get help, I was then transferred to Ty Gwyn a home for ex veterans who suffer from PTSD I also got help fromt he BritishLegion and SAFFA.
I got re-married in 2002 and in 2008 I had a serious relapse and again my marriage broke down and I had to live in a van for 6 months as I could no longer receive help from the British Legion or SAFFA as they had helped me before.
It was then that Soldiers off the Street took my case on and with their help I was in my own flat within 3 days.
I find it hard to believe that the government don’t help veterans and we have to rely on charities for help, I have a war pension which is helpful in some ways but I am not entitled to a council house because of it I have been refused all benefits including going on the housing list, I can’t claim anything at all despite the government promising us priority housing, I also got in touch with help for heroes for help and they told me I was in the wrong war and they couldn’t help, all my life since leaving the army I’ve wanted to settle but the door has constantly been shut in my face and if it wasn’t for charities like Soldiers off the Street I would have given up a long time ago like so many of my brothers that fought in the Falkland’s war have done.
I’m now recovered thanks to Soldiers off the Street I am now working for a charity connected to Soldiers off the Street myself.
I’m not the only case there are thousands in need of help and I feel the government are just brushing the problem under the carpet this is shameful and a national disgrace.
See more here about the Falklands and Les: Continue.

Thank you for reading the lads stories but please remember there are 000’s of ex-service personnel still out there living on the streets of Britain that need help, we can do our best but we cannot help them all.
We keep hearing the government talking about the Covenant but with all the redundancies coming up the time for talking is over and if nothing is put in place now the plight of the homeless ex forces will only get worse!