Soldiers Off The Street
Soldiers Off The Street Registered England/Wales Charity No. 1137594.
Soldiers Off The Street Registered Scotland Charity No. SC042204.
About Us.
We decided to let you know about us with the photos below from the beginning to a happy ending, we are an independent charity that do not apply for grants or government funding, we work with all veterans from all military forces past and present. The youngest client we have had was 19 years old and the eldest was 84 years old, we work with any other charity that will help rehome or treat homeless veterans as long as they genuinely have the veteran’s best interest at heart as we do not get involved in bickering and point scoring.
We are a non-political charity with no political connections whatsoever and will never have as we feel charity work and politics do not belong together.
To learn more about the work we do please join us on Facebook:
Here is a short video you should see it was what made us start: The soldiers off the streets charity. Ex-forces and homeless.This video will open your eyes to how veterans are living on the streets of Britain un-seen and forgotten,
We have been asked many times why veterans end up living on the street, luckily out of the 10's of 000's of veterans there are not many in comparison but there are 000's that have slipped through the net, we have found the three main reasons are marriage break up, having no family to come out to and PTSD keeping in mind PTSD comes with a whole lot of other problems. We have been given an audio that a lot of veterans will understand but we feel it will give the general public an insight into the mindset of anyone leaving the armed forces. A Soldiers Opinion!

The Begining:
When we first started we used our own cars as you can see in the photograph carrying boiling water, soups, tea, coffee and food plus shoes and clothing that had been donated to Soldiers off the Street at this time we were working towards getting charity status finding it very difficult getting people to donate to a non-registered charitable organisation, but we worked hard for 11 months to reach the charity commission criteria so we could register.
We are now registered both here in England/Wales and Scotland.
Registered England/Wales Charity No. 1137594.
Registered Scotland Charity No. SC042204.
We also have a support group in Northern Ireland.

We now have 6 welfare vehicles after reducing our fleet to cut costs.
In the photo you can see one of the Outreach vans out on outreach with a team of volunteers, this did not happen overnight it has taken us many years without accepting any grants or government support. This was only possible because of the public support with events and donations and fundraising teams out and about around the uk.
Soldiers Off The Street was the first Homeless Veterans charity to work this way with outreach welfare vehicles, since then others have used the same system as us which is great as there are more homeless veterans getting the help they deserve.

Those That We Are Helping:
In this photograph you can see five veterans we are helping, we have eight in total at the L.O.L foundation a treatment centre we are in partnership with that deal with any problems the lads may have. Also in the photo are Bill Murray chairman and founder of Soldiers off the Street with one off the welfare workers.
The veterans are looked after for up to two years at the L.O.L Foundation depending on the issues they may have, then they are moved into their own home with support as long as they need it.

Happy Ending
It is great to get feedback from client’s especially unexpected feedback as in this photograph, Bill Murray the chairman was on his way home after a busy day re-homing a lad when he was flashed and tooted by another car to pull over. When stopped it was one of our first clients we helped rehome, he now has a job, car and has moved on from the place we rehomed him and his girlfriend to a bigger property because they have a baby. Great news and just goes to show that most homeless veterans just need a helping hand back onto the ladder.
If you would like to help us just click on the donations Page to see the ways you can help, remember we do not accept grants or government funding so every penny counts.
100% of all donations goes into the running of S.O.T.S Thank you from all those that cannot thank you themselves!